The philosophy at SASHA's

Everything is closely tied up together – nothing is separate from anything.

Change is one major component of Life – Change is constant and inevitable.

The only thing we can do is: CHANGE our perspective on CHANGE.

CHANGE flows – as shown beautifully by the natural cycles, the seasons, the weather

while human beings seem to be the only species resisting change –


Mainly because of that part of the mind that makes us hold on to the past and look up for the future – making it a whole lot harder when the change – that is inevitable – knocks at our door. 

There is however one simple thing we can get back to and which makes everything way easier:



Presence in what we do, in what we feel, in what we say, in the actions we take...

And this is exactly what we do at SASHA's.



Hi, I'm SASHA.

I support individuals to make of change their best ally by coming back to Presence – where the potential patiently awaits.

Professional accredited Coach / Certified Personal Trainer / Nutrition Coach Sasha @SASHA

With years of academic and field experience, passionate about metaphysics and the infinite realm of possibilities, I invite you to reconnect to yourself, to your body, to your Truth and to the greater plan – through 'Movement, Nutrition, Coaching and Synchronization'. An initiatory journey that changes everything.

Personal Trainer / Nutritionist / Space facilitator Raphael @SASHA

Certified Personal trainer, nutritionist, and Space facilitator, Raphael appears alongside SASHA in certain video capsules. Raphael has a rich path and is always eager to acquire new acknowledge which makes him an instructor of choice at Sasha’s. If there’s anything you would like to know in ‘very deep‘ [technical] detail (notice the emphasis on ‘very deep’), he’s your guy 🙂

Meet the Lion.


Values that symbolize perfectly the Lion -

and they are also the values that we need to embody when aiming for a change.


In this incredibly noisy society of ours, it is easy to lose sight of almost everything...

So concretely put, we are invited to reconnect to what nature initially has endowed us all with: Senses.

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